Irisa had a fun-filled day at FIdgets, first time we brough her to a children playground.. Though majority was playing with the balls, she had a great time.. Picking up, chasing after the balls.. And great-uncles & daddy & myself, kept stuffing the balls in her top.. She enjoyed. And a caucasian baby kept going to touch her cheek til she got really fed-up and start to brush her hands away shen she comes over to her, and even shouted at her.. Oh my, wat a fierce gal.. =)
Looking for more such activities to come... More pics in Facebook.
Latest - Oh, did i mention now she knows how to point at things and express that she wants or don't? She can even ask for 'mum mum' when she wants to have her snacks.. She will even put up her hands as if to 'beat ppl' when we say 'ta ta'... She is learning more each day.. And i am glad tt i am home to see her grow each day..