Monday, March 30, 2009

Irisa finally let me bath her without crying

Mar 30, 2009
I finally suceeded in bathing irisa without her crying... I guess she is used to Mummy bathing her and now i can see that she is enjoying her bath... Today she was so happy after her bath when i was dressing her up, busy kicking her legs over and over again and showing me a 'satisfied customer' smile!!....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Irisa is 7 weeks old

Mar 26, 2009
Irisa is 7 weeks old today. Brought her for dim sum this afternoon with my uncle's & aunt's family, along with ah ma.. Went to the Tian Jin Lou cos they have some 50% discount items.. Overall, I wont be going back for a second time. Service aren't really good, food is so-so only... But my girl enjoyed the outing, was fussing a lot initially in her pram but managed to go to sleep.. End up she poo-ed and I have to clean her up outside the restaurant.. She had some greenish cum yellowish poo, i guess she was really firightened when grandma accidentally slammed the kitchen door yday evening... Poor girl.. And yday daddy purposely ignored her fussing n whining and left her on the sofa beside him. And guess what, she really fall asleep on the sofa.. wanted to take a pic but forgotten... so cute... Day by day, Irisa is really growing up... Now we start to five her 140ml milk each feed as she seems to be not having enough... Dear gal, grow up fast.. Daddy and Mummy have lots of places and activities planned already...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Irisa went for her Hep-B (2nd dose) jab

Mar 23, 2009
Irisa went to the polyclinic for her Hep-B jab this morning.. Oh my, she cried loudly when the nurse jab for her.. Luckily I wasn't around as I am afraid of seeing the needles.. Great-grandmother take the initiative of carrying her as she said that we should carry her close to our chest to make her less 'frightened' during the jab and thus the big task is given to her... I waited outside while Daddy and Great-grandmother carried her in... Luckily by the time she came out, she stopped crying... Heart pain.. And yes, she now weighed 4.5kg+.. That is a good weight... Less measured for her height was 57cm, compared to the 49cm when she was born.. Oh, I am starting to worried that Mummy will be shorter than her in future...
Above were pictures of Irisa playing with Daddy while he changed her diapers.. Mummy being the camera women... She is so cute... We love her..

Irisa has a new hair cut

We brought her for a haircut and shave all her 'baby' hair away.. Heard that it will start balding patches by patches and I can see that it is happening to her already. I guess i better bring her to shave rather than see patches of bald areas on her head... After the shave, she looks so different + a hundred and thousaand times cuter.. I simply want to hold her in my arms and give her many many kisses... She is so adorable.. Now she seems to be able to know that Mummy is taking pictures of her for memory sake. Each time I call her when holding my camera phone or the camera, she readily looked at me and smiled.. Oh my, this girl, she is simply too smart to handle....

Irisa is 6 weeks old

Mar 19, 2009
We had a lot of activities in the past week. We brought Irisa along to the buffet dinner that Mummy has been looking forward to, bring to grandma house (where mummy & daddy used to stay), breakfast trips with great-grandmother and many more... She is so happy sitting in her favourite spot, the car seat, enjoying the scenery as we drove.. Oh dear, great-grandmother says she simply love having a day's out.. I am worried at that statement, if she is like Mummy, simply love to go out, then i am in deep trouble already... OOps...

Irisa is 5 weeks old

Mar 12, 2009
She can really smile and make yor day each morning... Each morning when she wakes you up for her 'makan' time and you talk to her, she will give you the biggest smile in the world. It just melts your heart when you see her toothless smile... But when you push your luck and try to play a while longer to enjoy the moment, she will show you who is the boss.. Oh my, babies are just so smart with each day they grow... Now i am getting a bit worried about how to coach and discipline when I just melts at her smile...

Irisa is 1 month old

Mar 5, 2009
Now she is older and seems to know stuff.... ermmm... What I'm trying to say is she seems like she can understand what the adults are doing at times. She seems to know who is coming near her, who she can bully and make you carry her and who she cannot push her luck with... She simply know how to make my grandma fall for her 'fake crying' and carry her.. It is really strange how a few weeks old baby can understand and manipulate an adult..

Irisa Full Month Celebration

Feb 28, 2009
It was a very warm afternoon, imagine the house full of people.. Irisa was so unselttled the whole day, didnt even want to sit in her favourite pink bouncer chair and want to be carried. She didnt even have a proper sleep that afternoon. End up she can't sleep well during the night too. I guess she either had a fright or she wasn't used to all the attention and the noise.. She even had green poo poo the following day. Poor gal... The following few days to come also end up the same, can't sleep well in her own bed.. End up having to buy a yao lan for her, according to my grandma & elder sis advice as she will feel more secure and can sleep better... So i just went ahead.. Indeed it works, at least better than sleeping in her bed. She can sleep slightly better and longer.... Poor irisa...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Irisa is 3 weeks old

Feb 25, 2009
Did I mention she loved to smile....? Irisa just love to smile and she will smile readily when you talked to her, provided she is full and have slept enough.. hee.. That isn't a tough thing to ask from a 3 week old baby huh... Just so melt my heart each time she showed her lovely smile.. I'm sure Daddy couldn't agree better...

Irisa is 2 weeks old

Feb 19, 2009
Again, her face changes.. I really don't know who she takes after.. Her face just keep changing as she grows week by week. Though majority of our relatives and friends says she looks like Daddy.... Seriously it doesn't matter who she looks like, Daddy & Mummy just want her to grow up healthy and be obedient.. So far, she has been a good gal.. Drinking and sleeping... Occasionally, she will play a while, look around...

Irisa is 1 week old

Feb 12, 2009
She looked so different as she was 1 week ago... Look at her lovely eyes, they looked so innocent.. She really love to play and enjoy putting her hand into her mouth.. Thank goodness to the person who invent mittens, she doesn't like the taste of her mittens though...

The day Irisa was born

Feb 5, 2009 - Irisa was born into the world.. She came into the world with a lovely smile and seems like she can't wait to see the world, as well as Mummy and Daddy... She wasn't like other babies, she open her eyes throughout and seems to know Daddy is playing with her.. She smiled and hold Daddy's finger with her small little finger.. Oh, how touching the moment was and i guess it really touch Daddy's heart and make the day a memorable one... She came into the world at 6.34am, weighing 3.0kg...