Monday, May 30, 2011

Irisa & her 10 weeks of school.. Lets see...

Having just completed her 10 weeks of Playgroup, I was really amazed with the end results. She can recognise most of the alphabets & body parts, singing at least 3-5 sentences of national anthem & a lot more different nursery songs.

I have also included her video of her 'interpretation' of what A-Z means. In mandarin, in english & her own creativity, i really wanna laugh.

I have seen her workbooks from PLaygroup, the arts she have done, the school work she does. And she can read different chinese characters like RUN, WALK, SIT, STAND in mandarin. Shall find a day to record a video and post it up so that she can remember how she used to be at 2Ys, attending playgroup with the big brothers and sisters who are 1Yr older.

Her talking ability will shock u. The way she answer you, talk back and argue, who would believe that its a 2Yr old little gal?? Oh my, what is the world turning into?

Mummy: Irisa, u want to eat ngor hiang?

Irisa: No, i want to eat guava (pointin to the cut guave tt great grandma prepare)

Mummy: OK, i eat

Irisa: Mummy, I want eat mi hoon. (after finishing her guava)

Mummy: I tot u say dun want mi hoon (cos tt was the reason we came out of the rm)

Irisa: I only say NO to ngor hiang, I nvr say I dun wan mi hoon.

Mummy: *scratch head*

And a lot more 'scratch head' situation talking and explaining to little irisa. It really takes a lot of patience and love to nuture a little kid.

Her sisterly act of 'sayang' little rayshon & interpretation of A-Z stands (tis video cant load) for...