Been a while since I have updated Irisa growth. Been rather busy lately with work, Irisa, home etc... Tried to upload some of irisa recent pic but unable to do so..
Here are her updates:
1) Irisa can sit on a Baby Chair!!! We brought her to Brozteit German Bar at Vivo and for the first time, she sat on a Baby Chair... Bad part of the place was, it was too rowdy for a Baby... But still, she manage to stay thru and we still can blow the candles....
2) Irisa learns to flip now. Can make 'Ahh', 'Woo' & 'Ma-alike' sound
Nw she will sit in her walker, run about freely, wait at the door step when its near the timing that I come home from work everyday. She will 'Woo-woo' when she wan to drink milk. She will come to mummy, daddy and great-grandma when she wants to sleep and ask you to carry her to the room for her nap.. Such a dearie
3) Irisa started her cereals and porridge but she dun like porridge
She knows how to eat biscuits, fish, porridge and cereal. Bascially everyday she will have 2 feedings of cereal and the rest are her normal milk feedings. Tried givin her porridge with potato & carrot but she dun like so we went back to just cereal n milk. And every meal time, she will wait beside you and see if she gets any treats.. Such a glutton.. Our next target, a high chair for her to use at home for meal times....
4) Irisa knws how to splash water during bath time
5) Irisa can really hold her own milk bottle when drinking..
But of cos not for a long period cos I think she still haven really have that 'stamina' yet
6) She is a wrecker at home.
She want to touch the SCV box, things on the coffee table, goes underneath the dining table and look really happy down there, want to go into the kitchen, and best thing, she knws how to slide the sliding door open and close for the TV cabinet.. She will pulls off the 'safety latch' and 'safety corners' off the TV cabinet.... She ah, also like to grab things, pull daddy, mummy hair, great-grandma specs.. Oh my...
Nw she will sit in her walker, run about freely, wait at the door step when its near the timing that I come home from work everyday. She will 'Woo-woo' when she wan to drink milk. She will come to mummy, daddy and great-grandma when she wants to sleep and ask you to carry her to the room for her nap.. Such a dearie
3) Irisa started her cereals and porridge but she dun like porridge
She knows how to eat biscuits, fish, porridge and cereal. Bascially everyday she will have 2 feedings of cereal and the rest are her normal milk feedings. Tried givin her porridge with potato & carrot but she dun like so we went back to just cereal n milk. And every meal time, she will wait beside you and see if she gets any treats.. Such a glutton.. Our next target, a high chair for her to use at home for meal times....
4) Irisa knws how to splash water during bath time
5) Irisa can really hold her own milk bottle when drinking..
But of cos not for a long period cos I think she still haven really have that 'stamina' yet
6) She is a wrecker at home.
She want to touch the SCV box, things on the coffee table, goes underneath the dining table and look really happy down there, want to go into the kitchen, and best thing, she knws how to slide the sliding door open and close for the TV cabinet.. She will pulls off the 'safety latch' and 'safety corners' off the TV cabinet.... She ah, also like to grab things, pull daddy, mummy hair, great-grandma specs.. Oh my...
:) she looks so happy under the table... LoL