Irisa at 23 Months++
A naughty, playful, cheeky, stubborn & smart girl she is. Sometimes as parents, we really don't know what is the limit, how to coach her, is what we are teaching sufficient or too over?
She has a BIG library of vocabs now, more and more verbal and can describe what she wants already. She can even talk back at me when I am scolding her at times. Another 5 years, I think she can fight with me already.
A big sister now, she likes to fetch lil bro's hanky for bath time, fetch lil bro's milk when its feeding time, fetch lil bro's pillow and whatever related to her beloved brother.
She is also able to pass instructions from 1 adult to another. If mummy ask her to help ask daddy/another adult to make milk for lil bro, she is able to. If mummy ask her to ask daddy to come in the room, she is able to tell it clearly too. Smart girl she is, or should i say too smart for us to handle.
She is very much, learning to be independent. She wants to learn to wear her own diaper, bath herself, fetch her own cutlery, and she can even drink from the milk packet without a milk bottle. We have successfully wean her off the milk bottle. And the next step, which is the most difficult one, that is to wean her off the pacifier, which i think i need at least a yr for it. And due to teething, she is basically 'wearing' out the pacifier at a fast rate.. Headache!!
A very funny incident that took place a few days ago.
Me: (packing some stuff and my pouch dropped) Irisa, pls help mummy take.
Irisa: (bend down and pick it up) Mummy
Me: (take it from her)
Irisa: (pointing to her nose) Mummy, Jie Jie Xie Xie
She is saying that I shoud says 'Thanks' to her for picking up for me as that is what I always teach her when we helped her do stuffs or give her pressie!!
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